How to Learn Urdu?


Urdu (اردو) is a language spoken mainly in Pakistan and India. It is the official language of Pakistan and one of the 22 official languages of India. Urdu is a member of the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European family of languages. Urdu is written in a modified form of the Persian script, which is itself derived from the Arabic script. Urdu script is known as the Nastaʿlīq. It shares an alphabet with languages like Arabic, Persian, and Punjabi. It also shares vocabulary with languages like Turkish, Hindi, and Sanskrit. The language has borrowed heavily from Persian, Arabic, and Turkic languages over the centuries, resulting in a rich and diverse vocabulary.
How to Learn Urdu
How to Learn Urdu 
Urdu has a rich literary tradition, with a wealth of poetry, prose, and drama. It has been the language of many famous poets and writers, including Mirza Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Mir Taqi Mir, Ahmad Faraz, Parveen Shakir, Rahat Indori and Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Urdu literature is renowned for its lyrical beauty and emotional depth, and it has played a significant role in the cultural and intellectual life of South Asia.

Today, Urdu is spoken by around 100 million people worldwide, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Urdu is widely spoken and understood in Pakistan, India, and other parts of South Asia, as well as by the South Asian diaspora around the world. It is also an important language of commerce, education, and diplomacy in the region.

How to Learn Urdu

Learning Urdu can be a fun and rewarding experience. Here are some steps to help you get started:
  1. Start with the Basics: Begin by learning the Urdu alphabet. Practice writing the letters, and try to memorize their sounds.
  2. Listen to Urdu: Listen to Urdu music, watch Urdu movies, or listen to Urdu podcasts to get a feel for the language and pronunciation. Try to repeat the sounds and tones you hear.
  3. Build your vocabulary: Start with simple words and phrases, such as greetings, common expressions, and basic sentence structures. You can use language-learning apps or books to help you with this.
  4. Talk to Urdu Speaking Relatives: Talking to your Urdu-speaking friends and relatives is also a very good step in learning the Urdu language. If any of your parents or grandparents or any other family member or friend can speak Urdu, you should always try to talk with him or her in Urdu. This is the most effective and fast way to learn Urdu.
  5. Join an Academy: You can find an academy or school nearby which can help you to learn this language.
  6. Practice speaking: Find a language partner or a tutor to practice speaking Urdu with. You'll gain confidence and feel more at ease speaking the Urdu language as a result.
  7. Immerse yourself: Immerse yourself in Urdu-speaking culture as much as possible. Attend cultural events, read Urdu literature, and watch Urdu news channels to improve your understanding of the language.
  8. Be consistent: Learning a new language takes time and practice. Make a commitment to study a little bit every day, and be consistent with your efforts.
  9. The key to learning any language is to stay motivated and persistent. With dedication and practice, you can become fluent in Urdu and open up a world of new opportunities.
  10. Practice Regularly: The secret to learning a new language is consistency. To practice Urdu, whether it be through online courses, language exchange, or viewing Urdu media, try to put aside some time each day or week.
Remember, learning a language requires patience, dedication, and practice. With the above-mentioned tips, you can begin your journey toward mastering Urdu.

How to learn Urdu online?

Use language-learning tools: Use online resources like Lingohut, Aamozish, Ling-app and Urdu Seekhiye, to help you learn Urdu vocabulary and grammar.
Find a reputable online Urdu course: Look for online courses that are taught by experienced Urdu teachers and have good reviews from previous students.

Benefits of Learning Urdu Language

There are numerous advantages to learning Urdu, including:
Improved communication: Urdu is spoken by millions of people around the world and particularly in Pakistan, India, UAE, and UK. Learning Urdu can help you communicate with a wider range of people and understand their culture.
Career opportunities: Having knowledge of Urdu might help you stand out in professions including international trade, journalism, diplomacy, and translation.
Understanding literature: Urdu has a rich literary tradition, including poetry, prose, and drama. By learning it, you can better understand and appreciate Urdu literature and the culture associated with it.
Travel: Knowing Urdu will make it easier for you to navigate and converse when visiting Pakistan, India, or other Urdu-speaking nations.

Urdu vs Hindi

  • Hindi and Urdu are two closely related languages that share many characteristics, yet they also differ in some ways. Urdu and Hindi also share a common vocabulary and grammar.
  • Urdu and Hindi both originated from the Hindustani language, which was spoken in the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent. Over time, Hindi evolved into a language that is written in the Devanagari script, while Urdu developed as a language written in the Perso-Arabic script.
  • The Hindustani language, which was used in the northern parts of the Indian subcontinent, is where both Urdu and Hindi had their start. As Urdu grew into a language written in the Perso-Arabic alphabet, Hindi through time became a language that is written in the Devanagari script.
  • The vocabulary is one key area where Urdu and Hindi differ. In contrast to Hindi, which has more borrowed words from Sanskrit, Urdu has a significant number of words from Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. The grammar and syntax of the two languages also differ slightly.
  • Urdu and Hindi also have different cultural associations. Hindi is associated with Bollywood movies, Hinduism, and Indian culture while Urdu is often associated with poetry, literature, and Islamic culture. It is also worth mentioning and the point of interest that Bollywood movies are called Hindi Feature Films but the language, dialogues, poetry etc. is purely Urdu.
  • Despite all these differences, Urdu and Hindi are indeed highly similar, and many individuals who speak one can understand the other. The two languages are commonly referred to as Hindustani and are regarded as two variants of the same language.


Is Urdu difficult to learn?

Urdu can be challenging to learn for English speakers due to its different script and grammatical rules. However, with consistent practice and dedication, anyone can learn the language.

How long does it take to learn Urdu?

The time it takes to learn Urdu depends on various factors, such as your current language skills, the time you devote to learning, and your learning method. With regular practice, a beginner can become conversational in Urdu in about six months to a year.

What are some effective ways to learn Urdu?

Some effective ways to learn Urdu include taking classes or hiring a tutor, practicing with native speakers, using language learning apps or software, watching Urdu movies or TV shows, and reading Urdu books or newspapers.

What resources are available for learning Urdu?

There are many resources available for learning Urdu, such as language learning apps like Duolingo and Babbel, online courses like UrduPod101, and textbooks like "Teach Yourself Urdu" or "Urdu for Beginners." Additionally, there are numerous online resources like Urdu language forums, dictionaries, and grammar guides.

Do I need to learn the Urdu script to speak Urdu?

While it is not necessary to learn the Urdu script to speak Urdu, it can be helpful in understanding the language's grammar and vocabulary. Learning the script can also help you read and write in Urdu, which can be beneficial if you plan on using the language in a professional context.

How important is Urdu in the world today?

Urdu is one of the most widely spoken languages in South Asia, and it is an official language in Pakistan and several Indian states. Urdu is also a recognized minority language in several other countries. As such, knowing Urdu can provide many opportunities in various fields, including business, diplomacy, and academia.

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